While origami enthusiasts may tell you, "I own every origami book", the
truth is that there are many hundreds of origami books, on all different
levels and in many different languages. More recent books focus not only
on diagrams for models, but origami as an art form, as depicted through
beautiful photographs, or origami as a creative process, through a study
of the model design process. Some books may be difficult or even
impossible to find, while others may be only a click away at your local
Internet bookstore. Regardless, you can be sure that there plenty of
origami books which will suit your needs and your skill level.
One interesting approach to looking for the right book is to search
a model database which contains entries for thousands of models, in
hundreds of books. Below is a link to just such a search:
Search for models in origami books
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These are models from four
John Montroll books: Origami
for the Enthusiast,Animal
Origami for the Enthusiast, Origami
Sculptures, and Prehistoric
Origami.(52K) |
Here is another
view, of that same display. (141K) |
This is a display of models from Origami
Sea Life by
John Montroll and Robert Lang. This book includes a history
of origami sea life and such models as a murex, cuttlefish,
chambered nautilus shell, blue shark, blackdevil angler, sea
urchin, various crabs, and a lobster! (68K) |
Here is the front cover of Origami
Insects and Their Kin by
Robert Lang (this page shows most of the models from the
book). Every model in this book is a challenge, so I would
recommend it only for advanced paperfolders. |
John Montroll's Bringing
Origami to Life (ISBN
0-486-40714-4) focuses on the technique of wet-folding and
applying this technique to various animal models with
three-dimensional characteristics. Model difficulties range
from easy to high intermediate. |

Fumiaki Kawahta's Origami
Fantasy also
gets it's own page. This book features some of the most
complex origami models I have ever folded, including a
pegasus and an incredibly life-like stegosaurus! |
Francis Ow's Origami
Hearts (ISBN
0-87040-957-3) has lots of great heart-related models, such
as heart sunglasses, heart picture frames, and heart
modulars to name a few. |
3-D Geometric Origami; Modular Polyhedra by
Rona Gurkewitz and Bennett Arnstein (ISBN 0-486-28863-3) is
full of polyhedra and various other three-dimensional
modulars. Literally thousands of models can be created from
this book, such as a dodecahedron flower ball, a stellated
octahedron, and a dimpled dodecahedron ball. Check out Rona
Gurkewitz' Modular Origami Polyhedra Systems Page! |